Festivus is Here and All Those Other Fiat Legacy Events as Well

Hello holiday merry makers,

Today is the actual Festivus celebration and some other notable events clustered all at the same time like Saturnalia, Solstice and Krampus day. As we gather or zoom with loved ones, friends and colleagues, it’s also a time to say thank you.

What happens when a pop-culture research site and a wealth management investment site have a love child? You get knowyournfts.io ! Thank you for reading in the last two months and for learning more about NFTs and crypto culture in general. A big thank you as well from me to the teams at Knowyourmeme and Wealthpop for their support and hard work.

We would love your feedback on how to improve and what you would like to see in the future. Just  email editor@knowyournfts.io to send your two satoshis feedback.

What’s even cheaper and easier than sending crypto and NFT’s as a gift? Forward this newsletter to friends and colleagues who might find it interesting and tell them to subscribe.

We will be back December 27 all bright and hungover from the weekend.

May the Omicron NOT be with you, and if it does, feel better soon since it’s weaker than past variants. Stay Safe and Warm.


Why Black Americans are leading the NFT, crypto revolution

“In many ways, Black Americans, like Buchanan, are leading the crypto revolution. Twenty-three percent of African-Americans own cryptocurrency, compared to 11% of white Americans and 17% of Hispanics, according to two recent surveys conducted by Harris Poll and provided to USA Today. Minority communities, who have historically been left out of growing industries like alcohol, marijuana and more, are now eager to be a part of this latest shift.”

As I have linked to in the past, crypto and NFT’s in general seem to attract a much more diverse crowd into both creative and financial projects that have excluded many in the past.

World’s first SMS sold at auction as an NFT

“The NFT is a replica of the original communication protocol that transmitted the SMS, the auction house said. The unknown buyer, who was to pay in the cryptocurrency Ether, will also receive a digital frame with a 3D animation of the message being received.”

If the matrix franchise can re-issue a re-mixed fourth sequel, why not an NFT that harks back to the very first SMS?

Ubisoft Says ‘We Understand’ Where NFT Hate Comes From, Does Not Understand Shit

“Fuck off! You didn’t get concerned, you got outrage, because NFTs are an enormous scam lying in plain sight. They’re a pointless intrusion on existing systems designed only to enrich those hustling it, and an environmental catastrophe, no matter what kind of hand-waving and PR laundering its advocates try. All in one thing, all at the same time.”

Hell hath no fury like a gamer scorned. As a gamer myself, I know this crowd lives to troll and hurls memes at each other like there’s no tomorrow.

NY Art market says “be gentle with us Mr. NFT“

“One silver lining: the art establishment has largely ignored computer-based art for decades (precisely because its immaterial form has made it so hard to monetize), and now some deep-pocketed insiders, including the Pace gallery, have rushed in to embrace the new token-based medium. Unfortunately, the primary appeal may be the fact that, in addition to being unique works of art, N.F.T.s are also financial instruments. The terminology around them is telling: a painting is painted, but an N.F.T. is minted, like money.”

Well this is mostly a report on actual physical exhibits in the New York area but 2021 definitely disrupted the cozy smug world of contemporary Art.

A year of NFTs with Rhea Myers

“As we wind up 2021, NFTs were one of the year’s breakout stories, worming their way into nearly every aspect of pop culture, from music to sports to Marvel Entertainment. Interest around neighboring concepts like DeFi, DAOs and the metaverse likewise exploded as companies and investors across the world prepared themselves for a digital-first future.”

Yes my first reaction was also who is Rhea Myers?


The Big NFT drops of 2021 – Now you can look back at all the missed opportunities you could’ve had in 2021.

The right has embraced NFTs. See it is a diverse community:

Help Roger Stone. Buy his NFT to pay his legal bills.

Donald Trump trashes crypto while trying to promote Melania’s NFT project

Social media app Parler plans to expand into NFTs