Nothing Says Love Like Gifting an NFT… or a BB Gun

I was thinking this year of giving my little nieces and nephew maybe an NFT for at least some crypto. It’s not as crazy as it sounds because they sort of understand digital assets already from Roblox and selling and buying digital pets. In fact, the younger generation takes to digital assets just as easily as they do with iPads and Minecraft. Anyway, I once gave my nephew a slingshot with metal pellets as a gift in the past, perhaps NFT and coins are safer items.

I made a list of why NFTs would make good presents:

  1. Less physical clutter
  2. It’s forever (or till the grid collapses)
  3. It’s highly portable 
  4. Who knows what it can do in the future
  5. It’s literally one of a kind
  6. It has resale potential
  7. Great conversation starter at parties and tinder
  8. You can tell if its re-gifted
  9. They will always know it’s from you
  10. It’s what they always wanted

All you really need to do is set them up with a metamask wallet, put some NFTs and ETH in it and tell them this is an investment in the future.

You can then show them how to set up an ETH or BTC mining rig on their ZOOM school laptops and tell them to read Telegram and Discord message forums so they can whitelist for the best tokens and NFTs airdrops.

The perfect gift for the digital generation that sort of lives in a kind of metaverse anyway

“Whether NFT art is for Gen Z is still debatable, but we see that there are more and more Gen Z NFT art creators all around the world that have been quick to adopt the new technology, and even faster to monetize their artworks via blockchain. This even before many millennial institutional investors understood what NFTs were and why investing in the metaverse is important.”

This is literally the gift that keeps on giving and can set them on the path of getting their first Lamborghini before they can drive.

10 NFT trends to look for in 2022

“Why do you need to know about NFT trends? Well, whether you like the idea of NFTs or not, some of these upcoming trends could change the way we experience the web, brand products, buy and sell art, and even create and experience music. And according to Bored Ape Yacht Club member Jace Kay, 2022 sounds like the year the promise of Web 3.0 and NFTs will really take off.”

Some of these are actually pretty cool concepts as we move away from just simple jpegs NFTs

Why generative NFTs let artists make commissions easier

“That’s how art used to be created. A patron would hire an artist and tell them exactly what they wanted the picture to contain. Today’s artists produce what they want and collectors decide whether they like it enough to buy it.”

This is the beginning of creating mass-produced NFTs using programmatic software and tools.


What makes the play to earn game Axies Infinity so popular?

“The reality is that Axie Infinity’s virtual economy is much more complex than the game itself. Signing up for the game is a onerous series of steps, which includes setting up several accounts and cryptocurrency wallets, including an Ethereum wallet, a Ronin Wallet, an Axie Infinity account—and then wrangling them all together. “

If you have never hunted and collected Pokémons you just won’t understand.

Twitch Co-Founder Gets Discord Hacked, $150,000 Stolen From Users In NFT Scam

“Justin Kan, a co-founder of Twitch and the dude Justin.TV was named for, last week decided to launch a site called Fractal. It was to be a ‘marketplace’ where in-game items could be bought and sold as NFTs. Later, in Fractal’s Discord server, a link appeared advertising a drop of 3,333 NFTs. You may have guessed what happened next.”

This brings home the point that no one is safe. So be careful out there in the jungle known as the Internet.

Twitch stars and McDonald’s entered the metaverse. Then it got weird.

“A man with no face rises into the sky. Thanks to a stray beam of artificial sunlight, it almost appears he has a halo. Onlookers gather to gawk. One manages to shout louder than the rest. “It’s God!” he bellows. Everybody else bursts into uproarious laughter. It’s the first day of “OfflineTV VR,” a temporary virtual space meant to replicate the feel of a real-life pop-up event the eponymous streamer collective held in LA the weekend prior. “

We will see more of these trippy experiences as Digital in the real world integrate into our lives.

The coming metaverse real estate boom in 2022

“In 2021, the value of total daily virtual real estate transactions processed through third-party sales platform has increased 20,572.52%, from a seven-day average of $164,001.52 on Jan. 1 to a seven-day average of $33,903,255.18 on Dec. 1”

There is gold dem thar virtual Hills…oh wait I’ve used that line already.


Free Hong Kong Cookie Xmas NFT – Not Free as in political, that’s a lost cause. It is free as in “money for nothing and chicks for free”

Now is your chance to get official Chinese news/intelligence agency NFTs– Show your party loyalty in your metamask wallet.

Have you noticed NFTs in Coinbase Wallet?  – Yes, but I still use Metamask.